PT - O termo Crowdfunding, traduzido de uma forma despreocupada significa financiamento por uma multidão todavia é comum empregar o termos “financiamento colaborativo”. O termo tornou-se popular nos últimos anos principalmente junto da comunidade mais ligada ao empreendedorismo, porem o crowdfunding não está limitado ao sector dos negócios.
Explicando de uma forma simplista, o crowdfunding baseia-se num modelo no qual, um grande número de pessoas doa ou investe uma pequena quantidade de dinheiro num projecto ou causa conseguindo assim angariar a quantidade necessária para o viabilizar.
O princípio no qual assenta o Crowdfunding pode parecer estranho, contudo nos últimos anos, vários projectos e ideias das mais diversas áreas tornaram-se possíveis um pouco por todo o mundo graças ao Crowdfunding.
Recursos: eBook "The Crowdfunding Bible" (ebook Gratis )
Recursos: eBook "The Crowdfunding Bible" (ebook Gratis )
EN (via google translate) - Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising money from a large number of people. The word has become popular in the last years mostly within the entrepreneur community. However, the crowdfunding it's not just available for the business sector, individual or social causes can start a Crowdfunding campaign.
Te principle behind Crowdfunding could look odd at the first sight, however, in the last years, several projects and ideas from the most distinguish areas have become real all over the world thanks to Crowdfunding.
Resources: eBook "The Crowdfunding Bible" (Free eBook)
Te principle behind Crowdfunding could look odd at the first sight, however, in the last years, several projects and ideas from the most distinguish areas have become real all over the world thanks to Crowdfunding.
Resources: eBook "The Crowdfunding Bible" (Free eBook)
Ending this post just saying that the links for any of my shops are on the right side of this page (the big black dots). Feel free to visit share and buy something, it is also a nice way of supporting this campaign. "The Pudding Sticker", officially but not so much the symbol of this campaign, are just €2.52 / $2.66.
Also, do not forget to visit my Crowdfunding campaign on YouCaring and support it making a small donation or sharing it!
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